Down by the river bank, the Mole and the Water Rat were hard at work, mending and cleaning boats, looking for lost oars, and getting ready for a summer on the river. 下游的河岸边,鼹鼠和水鼠正卖力地干着活,修补着船然后把它清洗干净,又寻找着不知遗落在何处的船桨,为夏天在河上划船做着准备。
The Mole asked the Water Rat. 鼹鼠问水鼠。
Relaxant Effect of Water Extract of Rhododendron dauricum on Rat Thoracic Aorta and Its Mechanisms 满山红水提物对大鼠离体胸主动脉的舒张作用与机制
The Toad retraced his weary way on foot, and related his disappointing experiences to the water rat once more. 癞哈蟆拖着沉重的脚步回到家中,又一次把这令人失望的经历告诉老鼠。
The water rat, paralysed and string, saw at last a distant SPECT on the white surface of the road. 水老鼠神思恍惚,木然远望,终于看见一个小斑点出现在远方洁白的路面上。
Results: fresh spring water does inhibit stone formation in rat kidney evoked by1,2-cthancdiol and ammonium chloride. 结果:淡泉水对乙二醇和氯化胺诱发的大鼠肾结石模型有明显抑制作用。
Use water and electric maze experiment to observe rat escape latent period and mistake times, to understand it's learning and memory ability. 用水迷宫和电迷宫实验观察大鼠逃避潜伏期和错误次数,以了解其学习记忆能力。
Objective: To determine the activity changes of Na+? K+-ATPase and Ca 2+-ATPase in ebullition water scalded rat tissues and the protective effect of panax notoginseng. 目的:观察严重烫伤后大鼠心、肝组织Na+、K+-ATPase和Ca2+-ATPase活性变化及三七的保护作用。
Methods The rat model of syndrome of congealing cold with blood stasis was established by multi-stimulation of ice water and the changes of rat superficial signs were taken with digital camera. 方法采用多次冰水冷冻刺激法诱导寒凝血瘀证大鼠模型,采用数码相机拍摄实验大鼠证候表征变化。
Results Organic concentrate of drinking water could make rat's genomic DNA broken. 结果水样有机浓集物对大鼠的基因组DNA具有断裂作用;
Methods Cytotoxicity and the formation of reactive oxygen species ( ROS) of microcystin extracted water bloom were studied in rat liver cells of primary culture. 方法利用原代培养的大鼠肝细胞,对水华提取物微囊藻毒素进行了细胞毒性和活性氧类(ROS)生成的研究。
Morris water maze test was performed to evaluate rat's ability of spatial learning and memory. 通过MorriS水迷宫实验评价大鼠的空间学习和记忆能力;
The Effect of Caspase-3 Inhibitor on Neurocyte Apoptosis, Brain Water Content and Brain NO after Rat Traumatic Brain Injury Caspase-3抑制剂对大鼠外伤性颅脑损伤后神经细胞凋亡、脑含水量及脑NO的影响
Reproduction on chronic and stress ulcer through water immersion of the restrained rat 大鼠慢性应激性水浸溃疡模型的复制
Conclusion The alkalescence ion water presented significant promotion heal function for rat gastric ulcer cauterized by acetum. 结论整水器处理后的碱性离子水具有显著促进大鼠醋酸性溃疡愈合的作用。
Step down test, Shuttle box test, and Morris water maze test were used to evaluate rat learning and memory function; 行为测试采用跳台法、穿梭法和Morris水迷宫法;
Water permeation barrier function of rat pseudo epidermis 大鼠拟表皮模型的屏障特性
An Experimental Study of Injurious Effect of Organics Concentrates the Tap water on Rat Liver DNA 自来水有机浓集物对大鼠肝脏DNA损伤的实验研究
Results ( 1) Blood lead level in the pregnant rats and their embryos increased with lead level in drinking water, and blood lead level in rat embryos were equal to the pregnant rats. 结果(1)随着饮水中铅含量的增加,母鼠及胎鼠血铅含量均增加,胎鼠血铅负荷达到母鼠水平;
The weight of the foodstuff and the volume of the water every rat had everyday were observed within seven days after the rats were radiated by 43 Gy 60Co-ray compared with the normal control group. 观察43Gy~(60)Co照射组放射性射线照射后与正常对照组相比大鼠1周内每日饮食量、饮水量的变化。
Objective To clone AQP4 gene and construct its expression vector in order to study the function of AQP4 in cerebral water metabolism in the rat by genetic intervention. 目的克隆大鼠AQP4基因并构建其融合蛋白表达载体,以便载体在体内进行AQP4基因干预。
Renal aquaporin 2 water channel expression in congestive heart failure rat 充血性心力衰竭大鼠肾脏Aquaporin2水通道蛋白基因的表达
The Study on Water Content Detection Method The rat models were evaluated thereafter by symptoms and signs observation, neurological function assessment, histological examination, brain water content detection, related biochemical indicators assay, and syndrome testing by Chinese herbal complex treatment. 采用症状和体征观察、神经功能评估、组织学检查、脑含水量测定、相关生化指标检测和方药测证等方法对所建模型进行评价。
The water buffalo and rat were chosen to study and discuss changes and action mechanism of some arachidonic acid metabolites in liver tissue homogenate by mean of biological and chemical liver injuries induced with F. hepatica and CCl 4, respectively. 以水牛、大鼠为对象,采用感染肝片吸虫的生物性和由CCl4导致的化学性致肝脏损伤两种方法,探讨了肝损伤组织匀浆中某些花生四烯酸代谢物的水平变化。
The Comparative Effects of AleurOne and Wheat Bran on Lipid and Water Contents of Rat Feces and on Blood Lipids 麦粉蛋白粒和麦麸对大鼠粪便水分、脂类含量和血脂影响的比较
The impact for the index and water content of cerebral ischemia model in rat brain, the cerebral index of the treatment group significantly reduced compared with the control group, the water content was significantly higher. 对脑缺血模型大鼠脑指数及含水量的影响,与对照组相比给药组脑指数明显降低,含水量明显增高。
It is appearance of pure white powder monoclinic crystal, slightly soluble in water, low toxicity, rat oral lethal dose greater than 3g/ kg body weight. 外观为粉末状纯白色单斜棱晶体,微溶于水,低毒,大鼠口服的半数致死量大于3克/公斤体重。
Conclusion: Cocklebur butanol alcohol extract and water extract has a toxic effect on rat liver, the water extract of liver toxicity for rats and there is a link between time and dose. 结论:苍耳子醇提取液的正丁醇和水萃取物对大鼠肝脏具有毒性作用,水萃取物对于大鼠肝脏的毒性作用与时间和剂量之间存在联系。
Hydrogen rich water can effectively restrain the rat skeletal muscle cells overexpression of autophagy which in intensity exercise and exhaustive exercise. 补充氢水能够有效抑制大强度和力竭运动大鼠骨骼肌细胞的过度自噬。